
Saturday, 10 August 2013

What to expect from number 2243

My bib number is 2243

As a back-of-the-pack racer, I don't put a lot of concern into finishing times and positions.  In my first recent 70.3 mile race, in my age-group (M40-49) of 58 men, I was 55th out of the water, overtook a couple of them on the bike, and another couple of them on the run. Actually, I was so far back, I couldn't see the pack anymore, and just had a few other stragglers like me for company.  In 2012, I was 157 out of 199.  

This is a hobby.  I do it because even before I raced, I rode a lot for fun anyhow.  Adding some running and racing was a good fit with the 6-hour rides that I was doing.  When the children got older and I acquired the extra free time, I wanted a hobby that also promoted fitness.  I would have been just as happy to devote the time to internet or video games and I would put on a massive overhanging gut. And then there's the beer.  There was lots more beer with that lifestyle. I topped out at 205 lbs and decided to that was high enough. time to sell.

I don't like swimming laps in the pool, since you can't even listen to music, so I don't do that at all.  I do a few open water swims in the Woodstock reservoir.  Putting in tons more time, or adding difficulty until I don't enjoy it anymore doesn't make sense.  Should I care about improving from 157th place to 120th place?  There's a lot of people in this sport who were high school jocks, accustomed to winning, and who can still pull off a high place in their age group.  Know what? Given the chance, of course I would like that opportunity, and would prefer to be the winner instead of the pack runner.  but it's not about to happen with my age and ability and sore knees. 


I like riding in the basement while watching TV. I like to swim and have none whatsoever fear of open water.  I love to ride outdoors.  I like to bike up a good tough hill.  I listen to rock and folk and pop and orchestral instrumental when I ride.  

and I like to run.  I listen to dance music when I run.  Fast Euro 132 beets a minute dance.

Full disclosure

While I'm not in it for a high place, and don't put much stock in my finish times, I nevertheless have expectations of what might happen. My split times in the 2012 Ironman 70.3 show what I might do in the Ironman.  

Swim            47 min
Transition 1   8 min. (It's a long run from the beach to the bike corral)
Bike              3:03 hours
Transition 2   3 min.
Run               2:08 hours
Total           6:10 hours

These should translate to the following reasonable values for Ironman
Swim     1:40 min
T1         10 min. 
Bike      6:30 hours
T2         10 min.
Run       4:50 hours
Total   13:20 hours.  
Just barely past sunset. 
   Sunrise           6:08 
   My wave start 6:51 
   Sunset            8:04 
That's my race goal.  Finish by sundown.

Raymond Britt at <a href="" > RunTri </a> has a calculation that shows a similar result.  Going over 14 hours will mean the wheels totally fell off.  Going under 13 hours would be totally storming the race.  My right foot is really sore, and the heel is tender from plantar fascitis. It got really bad in the middle of July, so I quit running entirely.  for 6 weeks.  That's a long time without running.  I cross trained on the elliptical machine, and had 6 rides over 180 km.  Then the reservoir went cloudy and they said it was risky for me to continue to swim there.  I had two swims of 4 km and felt really good.  One of the advantages for me in triathlon is that I have absolutely no fear of open water.  The campground where we spent most summers as a teen had  a pond with a raft in the middle, and swimming was as easy as walking We did it every day for two months.  I also like to ride bike.  Even back then, I was taking 2 to 4 hour trips from Bayfield to Goderich or Grand Bend.  Nowadays, I would be spending 4 to 6 hours on Saturday whether it's training or not.  It's what I do.  It's my idea of a good time and a day well spent. So the training isn't a chore.  I started running because there's all these great events to enter.  Plus, it can't be beat as a workout.  On the bike, if I want to slow down, I slow down.  On foot, running can't be faked.  It demands that continual extra effort. 

 Here's hoping I manage to run the whole way rather than ending up being brought to a limp.  Either way, I'm getting there.

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