
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Mont Tremblant Ironman Volunteer - Pre Race

On Saturday the 18th I arrived in Mont Tremblant for the second time this summer.  I signed up as volunteer at the Ironman race. 

Hill on Montée Ryan road

Saturday I went biking throughout the area.  I brought my commuter Fiori since the weather was unpredictable and I might end up leaving it out overnight or something.  The hill on Montée Ryan road is as awesome as I remembered.  I let my bike coast freely.  I don't have a computer on the Fiori, but the wind was blasting in my face like it normally only does up over 50kph, so I was really moving.  Then the speed wobble hit.  The front wheel and handlebars began making fierce oscillations.  I was in the drops, so I grasped tightly to see if I could get it to steady itself, but it wasn't going to happen.  I clamped down hard on the brakes and it quickly came down in speed, and I brought it to a full stop.  I don't suppose I've ever had that bike going that fast.

At the bottom of the hill is a crosswalk where Le P'tit Train du Nord crosses Montée Ryan road. Le P'tit Train du Nord is the converted railway trail used for the run portion of the triathlon.  Turn-around for this leg of the trail is just to the left in the picture.  They have really made the region inviting for triathletes.  Montée Ryan is a busy highway, and they installed these wide shoulders for cyclists.
P'tit Train du Nord crosses  Montée Ryan
They had a small number of 70.3 cycling jerseys remaining.  I bought one of those.  A sign announced, Mastercard and Visa only.  I had a moment of panic thinking that if my Mastercard was damaged Monday morning, I would be left without my registration for 2013. 

The starting cannon on display Saturday
In the evening, it was beer, beers, and more beer.  I couldn't believe how dead the town (St-Jovite) was.  The morning had the streets full with cyclists and cars with racked bikes.  Wherever they went for dinner, it wasn't here.  

Mont Tremblant ski hill seen from St-Jovite
This wasn't an all-hands vacation with my dependants.  I came alone and stayed with other volunteers at the St-Jovite high school.  Lights-out was 10pm, with everyone anticipating an early start on Sunday.

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