A guest post by Jennifer
The Marathon
will change your life. You run 42.2 km and you feel like you can do anything
cuz nothing can be harder than that. After running the Toronto Yonge Street
10km a couple weeks ago I felt fulfilled. I had set a goal and made it with
flying colours. That was the first time that I had finished a 10k in under an
hour (59:38 to be exact) and I still felt ready to go. So I decided it was time
to try something harder and originally I was going to sign up for the GoodLife
Fitness Toronto Half Marathon but when I got on the website and saw the size
difference between its medal and the one for the full I ended up signing up for
the longer distance. This meant I was running 42.2km on a whim with not near
the even minimal amount of training.
My Harley Quinn hair is still good |
should be spelled with your hands in the air. They need a font for that.
The hands in the air font. Comes with optional game-show-announcer
The day would be Epic!
But it started with a cat -- my cat Paddington, climbing on my head. Down
Paddington. I shoved the not-quite-a-kitten-anymore to the bottom of the
bed. Pad pad pad she came back. She thinks now I want to play.
My dog, Willow, popped her head up and came along this time. Two critters
on my head. At 3:00 in the morning. Down Paddington. Down Willow.
Willow nuzzled Paddington and began giving her a bath. The licking
would go on for half an hour. Paddington liked baths and Willow liked
giving them.
Alarm time was 4, and
I thought about sending them out of the room to play, as if having them venture
through the house waking everyone else was an improvement. Would I get back to
sleep anyway? No, I waited out the hour. Up at 4, I showered and
dressed, and the house was still quiet. Where's my supporters? I'm
not doing this alone. Upstairs, I exclaimed, "Rise and shine Mulan!
Pack the bags Crickie! What do you mean the troops already
left?" There we go, supporters are up.
We headed out into the
cold dark night at 4:30 am. Got to the Tim Hortons where two weeks ago at
5 am we impressed the night shift crew with our Epic! Harley Quinn and Joker
costumes. Today they haven't even cooked the bagels yet. Back on
the highway for another half hour. Cambridge. I hear they have the
highest concentration of Tim Hortons in the world. Dad tells me useless stuff
like that. They have the bagels! Now I remember that I hate bagels,
or at least bagel with peanut butter which is what Dad said to have before the
race. I barely manage to choke it down over the next half hour.
If you’re gonna do
something dumb do it dumb right so here is my bit of advice to other last
minute runners for the marathon.
1) Have a full six hours of music so that you
never hear the same track twice and you have choices of all your favourite
songs to pick from when you really need to push up that hill. My new fav
running song is ‘Bring it all Back’ by S Club 7
2) DO NOT run up the hills. Save your energy
instead of wasting it on hills cuz you’re gonna need everything you got for the
second half. In fact I would recommend that you walk whenever you see someone
else walking just so that you remember to not push too hard in the first half.
The first half is fun times and you definitely just need to relax and enjoy it.
This is why so many people now like doing half marathons; All the fun without
the blisters.
3) After the finish line feel free to cry
knowing that you won’t be able to muster tears
4) Wear nothing cotton on race day, this
includes underwear and bra. Cotton gets soaked in sweat and it chafes, true
story. Use Vaseline or body glide anywhere that will have friction and
sunscreen everywhere else.
And you should wear
your medal at least until you can walk down stairs like a normal person.
Walking down stairs backwards works for the day after running a marathon.
I've run down Yonge
Street before. Just two weeks ago Dad and I ran the Yonge Street 10 k
with me dressed as Harley Quinn and him as the Joker. It was Epic!
I managed the entire distance at a steady run, finishing under an hour and
feeling strong. I wanted to keep going. I felt like I could run
forever. Let's go again, I thought. Dad told me of some upcoming
races in Waterloo, London, Mississauga, Toronto, and the GoodLife stood out because it too was down Yonge Street. I
like running down Yonge Street. The medals shown on the website were square
with rounded corners, not the great big circle that Dad has from when he ran it
in 2010. The half-marathon medal was big, but you could see that the
marathon was so much bigger! If I can do 21, I can do 42, right? Dad told
me to do the half. The prices were close to the same. I went for
it! Full marathon. The medals dangle.
Paddington likes things that dangle.
Race weekend began on
Friday with the trip to the expo to collect my bib. So much to look at.
Need more shoes! Need a water belt! I felt like such a noob.
They can have whole conversations about electrolytes. It's what
plants crave! that's all I know.
Then Saturday was rest
and prep day. Um no, it really really wasn’t. It's free
comic book day! It's Epic! I loaded myself again into the Harley
Quinn outfit. It turned out there were four Harley Quinns, including
Epic! Star Wars Harley with her light-saber. I spent the day standing in line
at various stores around London. My friends and I also went to the
library where they held the costume contest. It was Epic! and we were all
Harleys and Jokers and little kids wondering why Dad was so weird dressing up
for Halloween in the spring.
We arrived at the race
site an hour early. It's cold out, so after the mandatory trip to the
porta-pottie, we huddled in the car for a while. It's good to have a
squire to carry things. Dad was squire and took my long pants and coat 5
minutes before the start. I was left in my cotton-candy short shorts. I
waited at the back of the bunch looking for the 5-hour rabbit, which never
showed up.
Start time, hurray!
We are off. The 5:30 rabbit is too fast, so I don't follow her.
About 10 minutes into the race, we have looped back past the start, and
there's Dad and Meghan waving. Hi dad. Hi Meghan. I will see them
twice more before the finish. It's cold until we went under the 401
coming out into the open and the deep valley. It's sunny here and will be
sunny and warm for the rest of the day.
If marathons had a
course for newbies, the GoodLife Toronto Marathon would be it since it is all
downhill. The first half as I said was fun.
I had a conversation with a guy whom I will call Green Shirt Guy, because he was wearing a green shirt. His shirt was Epic! and said, "trample the weak, leap over the dead." So we're talking about racing and such, and I tell him everything, which maybe he doesn't believe until we get to the 13 km banner, and he looks at me and says, "so this is the furthest you have ever run?". Yep. "and this is the first time you've ever eaten an energy gel?" Yep. I’m not be prepared, but I'm ready!
At the 13 km marker I settled in
with ‘The Pink Lady’, as I called her in my head, whom I found was good to run
with cuz although slow like me, unlike me she had a plan. We were heading off from Yonge
Street into a subdivision, and I noticed pink lady slowing to a walk. My 5
hour rabbit was supposed to pace the walk breaks that I'm supposed to be
taking. No rabbit = no breaks. I slowed down to walk with her. Pink
lady looked at me and took off her headphones. Oh great, now I have to
take mine off. She is doing a 10 plus 1 run - walk plan, and has a watch.
I ended up near her for most the rest of the race. We
talked some, and listened sometimes to headphones. She was a bit concerned
when I told her this was my first marathon, and that I hadn’t trained much
at all, and that I had never ran more than 12 km so when I met her it was already the farthest I had ever gone, and also that I had never eaten a gel packet.
Although I must say that I tried six different flavours on race day and liked
all of them even the double latte flavor. We ended up running together on and
off for a good half of the marathon and we happily finished in 5 hours 45
Epic struggle |
Coming up to Ontario
Place, you can see the finish line. There's still 15 km to go The half-marathon runners go directly
there to be done. I can see why that distance is popular. Dad is there, and Meghan. I tell him that I'm fine, except
my aching ankles. and my hip replacement. My hip has been aching for an
hour. I need a new one.
Dad and Meghan were
there cheering throughout the course and they have pointed out to me that my
good pacing looked like I was out of breath and that my speed walking looked
like a stagger. So what, I felt strong
most of the race. I never got out of breath to the point that I couldn’t talk,
I didn’t throw up though I wanted to, and I didn’t use any of the porta-pottys,
so I count it as a good race. Those last 4 km when I gave it my all
were great cuz I still had enough energy to pass other runners. I’m fairly sure
I annoyed the other runners though and that the spectators were concerned about
my craziness cuz by this point I was singing out loud to my music. ‘Jellyhead’
and ‘I’m sexy and I know it’ were the last couple I sang as ran the last
kilometer. It should be noted that I can’t sing on key even on a good day.
After the race I
staggered around the finish area until the final runners crossed the line and
eventually Meghan and Dad had to coax me toward the car cuz I was not thinking
straight. We stopped for burgers and beer on the way home. I finished the beer
but didn’t have much appetite which surprised me. The post run beer was almost
as good as the post run banana. It was very saddening when I got to the finish
and they had run out of bananas. The best banana you will ever eat is the one
at the finish of a long run. That banana is everything. The GoodLife seemed to
have a lot of shortages. They ran out of water at several water stations. They
ran out of 5 km medals (Meghan’s will be sent to her in the mail) and they ran
out of bananas. When the water stations ran out of cups they were pouring it
into our hand to drink from there which seemed really unsanitary to me but I
was desperate and didn’t think about it.
Running the marathon I
finally managed the goal that I had originally for the 10k. I felt not just
fulfilled but accomplished and look I got an Epic medal.
Epic medal |